المالكي يؤكد أهمية المجالس المحلية ودورها في العمل لتقديم الخدمات للمواطنين المالكي يدعو المجتمع الدولي الى الوقوف مع الشعب الفلسطيني وإيقاف الجرائم التي ترتكبها العصابات الصهيونية في غزة اندلاع حريق وسط مدينة الناصرية النزاهـة: صـدور (35) أمر قبـض واستقـدام بحـق (33) من الدرجات العليا خلال شهر أيار زيدان يبحث مع السفيرة الامريكية عددا من القضايا القانونية الخاصة بتطوير التعاون بين البلدين مجلس الوزراء يعقد جلسته الاعتيادية برئاسة السوداني العدل تعلن إطلاق سراح (562) نزيلاً ونزيلة في الأقسام السجنية ببغداد والمحافظات خلال الشهر الماضي وزارة التعليم الفلسطينية : استشهاد 8672 طالبا منذ بدء العدوان الصهيوني على قطاع غزة وزير الكهرباء: الطلب على الطاقة ارتفع بشكل كبير وحققنا زيادة ملحوظة في الإنتاج جنايات النجف: السجن المؤبد بحق تاجري مخدرات الانواء الجوية: طقس العراق.. تصاعد للغبار وانخفاض طفيف في درجات الحرارة السوداني يجدد موقف العراق الثابت والمبدئي في دعم القضية الفلسطينية استقرار أسعار الذهب جنايات صلاح الدين: السجن المؤبد بحق مسؤول التوبة في تنظيم داعش الارهابي النفط يستقر قرب أعلى مستوى في شهرين أسعار النفط تغلق مرتفعة بنحو 2 بالمئة عند التسوية ائتلاف إدارة الدولة يجدد تفويضه الحكومة في الحوار الجاري مع التحالف الدولي وتاييد القرارات المتعلقة بذلك الرجاء بطلا لكأس العرش المغربي على حساب الجيش الملكي المجلس الوزاري للاقتصاد يلزم الجهات الحكومية بشراء المنتوج الوطني دعماً لاقتصاد البلد فرنسا تهزم بلجيكا بهدف دون رد وتتاهل لربع نهائي يورو 2024
| اخر الأخبار
The International Federation of Journalists, from Baghdad, calls on Arab unions to defend the interests of journalists in the region and confirms its support for professional media

The International Federation of Journalists, from Baghdad, calls on Arab unions to defend the interests of journalists in the region and confirms its support for professional media

Baghdad / NINA / -The International Federation of Journalists called on all Arab unions to speak with one voice to defend the interests of journalists in the region, especially those who face difficulties, stressing its full support for good media and its standing alongside unions and journalists.

The Secretary-General of the Federation, Anthony Bellanger, said in a speech at the central ceremony of the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate on the occasion of the National Day of the Iraqi Press, under the patronage of the Prime Minister today, Sunday, in the capital, Baghdad: “On behalf of the International Federation of Journalists (FIJ), which represents more than 600,000 journalists in 148 countries around the world, I would like to express my sincere congratulations to you, and specifically to the head of the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate, Muayyad Al-Lami, on the occasion of this celebration of Iraqi Press Day and this great effort made.

He added: “I came to Baghdad for the first time 12 years ago, and every time I visit you, I do not recognize the places, because this city is developing, the Syndicate is developing, and the press is developing,” addressing the head of the Journalists Syndicate, Muayad Al-Lami, saying, “We at the International Federation are aware of your role for journalists, and the vital role you play in maintaining the high standard of the Syndicate, especially the International Federation of Journalists.”

He continued to say: “20 years ago, when the country was under American occupation, Jim Boumelha (former president of the Federation) led a delegation from the International Federation of Journalists to Baghdad, and he was the first to meet Iraqi journalists, and he was the first to meet the Syndicate. Everyone was under pressure, and everyone were targeted. I would like to mention here that more than 350 Iraqi journalists were killed during that period. I would also like to remember the victims and their families today.

He stated: “The International Federation of Journalists and the Federation of Arab Journalists have proven here in Iraq that they can work together, in very difficult circumstances, and the International Federation of Journalists and the Federation of Arab Journalists were also able to support the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate to be the most legitimate and representative union in the country.”

He explained: “These bilateral relations were renewed last February in Brussels with the signing of a new agreement between the two institutions, which was signed by the President of the International Federation of Journalists, Ms. Dominique Pradalé, and the President of the Federation of Arab Journalists, Muayyad Al-Lami. It is a cooperation agreement that focuses on the Syndicate role, good journalism, and international solidarity.” “It aims to strengthen Arab organizations.”

The Secretary-General of the International Federation went on to say: “I cannot forget here the Palestinian journalists who were killed 9 months ago, as the International Federation of Journalists counted more than 116 dead to date - a record number since we started publishing the list of journalists killed around the world, as the Israel army targeted them.” Many Palestinian journalists, and many of these cases are the subject of a lawsuit that will be submitted to the International Criminal Court in The Hague by the International Federation of Journalists and our Palestinian union, the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate PJs, and I call from Baghdad, all Arab unions to unite their efforts to support the Palestinian Syndicate."

He pointed out: “The Global Executive Committee of the International Federation of Journalists, which met last week, charged us with continuing all our efforts in order to support Palestinian journalists and the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS), by sending them money, and demanding that the Israeli government allow foreign war correspondents to enter Gaza, to document the massacre, which is happening before our eyes, to conduct investigations into the cases of targeted journalists, and to organize a major international conference with other global labor unions and global employers’ unions to prepare for the future of this region.”

He concluded his speech by saying: “The International Federation of Journalists has always been on the side of journalists and will remain so, and it has also always been on the side of all unions and will remain so,” indicating that “The International Federation of Journalists will always remain on the side of good media, independence, and ethics.”/ End

ليصلك المزيد من الأخبار اشترك بقناتنا على التليغرام

الثلاثاء 02 , تموز 2024

وصول عدد من الوفود الصحفية العربية إلى بغداد لحضور الاحتفالية المركزية بالعيد الوطني للصحافة العراقية واجتماعات الامانة العامة لاتحاد الصحفيين العرب

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صحف اليوم تتابع قرارات مجلس الوزراء واحياء عيد الغدير الاغر

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صحف الاربعاء تولي اهتماما لاحياء الشعب العراقي ليوم عيد الغدير ...ولاستقبال رئيس الوزراء لنقيب الصحفيين العراقيين مؤيد اللامي

بغداد/نينا/اولت صحف الاربعاء الصادرة اليوم اهتماما لاحياء الشعب العراقي ليوم عيد الغدير الأغر..ولاستقبال رئيس الوزراء محمد شياع السوداني لنقيب الصحفيين العراقيين رئيس اتحاد الصحفيين العرب مؤيد اللامي. فقد قالت صحيفة الصباح شبه الرسمية التابعة لشبكة الاعلام العراقية ان الشعب العراقي أحيا أمس ال