خلال لقائه وزير الزراعة.. القاضي حنون : نعمل على زرع النزاهة وقلع الفساد من جذوره تسجيل هزة ارضية بقوة (3،1)درجة في محافظة واسط حدث في الحلة .. طالب اعدادية يطعن مدرسا ومعاون مركز امتحاني بقطعة زجاج مجلس الوزراء يعقد جلسته الاعتيادية برئاسة السوداني العثور على طائرة مسيرة مجهولة المصدر جنوبي واسط اجتماعان لادارة الدولة والاطار التنسيقي لحسم منصب رئيس البرلمان المفوضية تمدد فترة تسجيل التحالفات والاحزاب الراغبة بالمشاركة في انتخابات اقليم كردستان رئيس الجمهورية يؤكد ضرورة تذليل العقبات امام المستثمرين ودعم رجال الاعمال العراقيين النزاهـة تضـبط رئيس لجنـة المشتريات في معـمل سمنـت بابـل بتهمة الاضرار بالمال العام السوداني يوجه بتشكيل غرفة عمليات لتسريع التفويج العكسي للحجاج رئيس مجلس الوزراء يوجه بصرف 4 ملايين دينار مكافأة لكل بحث ينشر في المجلات العالمية اندلاع حريق بمنطقة السنك وسط بغداد القضاء يبحث مع الداخلية الاجراءات المشتركة بشأن حوادث الحرائق ارتفاع خامي البصرة رغم انخفاض اسعار النفط العالمية قيادة عمليات بغداد تنفذ عمليات امنية في مناطق محيط العاصمة الانواء الجوية : غبار وارتفاع في درجات الحرارة خلال الايام المقبلة بالفيديو .. انفجار عدد من اسلاك الكهرباء في ميسان نقابة الصحفيين العراقيين تطلق هاشتاك عيد الصحافة العراقية يورو 2024 .. المانيا تتصدر مجموعتها بهدف قاتل على سويسرا فرع نقابة الصحفيين في ميسان ينهي استعداداته للمشاركة بإحتفالية عيد الصحافة العراقية
| اخر الأخبار
Al-Sudani directs a package of measures to provide job opportunities for graduates in Dhi Qar Governorate

Al-Sudani directs a package of measures to provide job opportunities for graduates in Dhi Qar Governorate

Baghdad / NINA / -Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani directed a package of measures to provide job opportunities for graduates in Dhi Qar Governorate.

A statement from Al-Sudani’s media office stated: “Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani received, today, Saturday, the Governor of Dhi Qar, Mortada Al-Ibrahimi, and the Chairman of the Provincial Council, Abdel-Baqi Al-Omari.”

The meeting witnessed a review of the most important plans and important service projects implemented in the governorate, which meet the aspirations of citizens and feed into the goals and priorities of the government program towards achieving development and providing job opportunities for young people. The detailed report that was prepared based on the directives of the Prime Minister, regarding developing solutions and proposals to include the highest percentage of graduates in the governorate have employment and employment opportunities.

Al-Sudani directed to restructure the employment office departments in the center, north and south of Dhi Qar Governorate, and activate the role of employment offices, in accordance with what the law stipulates in attracting employment applications for graduates and job seekers, in cooperation with government sectors and the private sector for the purpose of granting them job opportunities, and obliging the governorate to include its graduates participate in its investment projects and other strategic projects, by providing employment offices with their needs according to the mechanism stipulated in the law.

Al-Sudani also directed to oblige government oil companies and the private sector, operating in Dhi Qar, to provide job opportunities for graduates through employment offices and to give priority to the people of the governorate with regard to the appointment of oil companies in Dhi Qar for graduates who are not from the governorate, He directed that those names be checked in the employment offices, and emphasizing that job opportunities in companies operating in the governorate are exclusively for Dhi Qar residents.

Al-Sudani also directed the addition of a paragraph to the controls in force in calculating contractual grades, which stipulates (that graduates should have three additional points as a priority to support young people, competencies, and certificate holders as parental care from Al-Sudani for his children in the governorate), by applying the mechanism stipulated in Instructions No. (2) of 2023 to facilitate the implementation of the General Budget Law, taking into account the population ratios in the governorate, to appoint from the remaining grades, and this file is completed within a period of (30) working days, by issuing administrative orders for appointment and directing all contractual grades.

In order to provide opportunities and facilities for the people of the governorate and graduates and include them in government initiatives, the Prime Minister directed the opening of the “Riyadah” initiative form in Dhi Qar Governorate and increasing the governorate’s percentage, as well as directing government banks in the governorate to grant operating loans to graduates and unemployed people of the governorate with reduced interest, and these loans will be for emerging, small and medium enterprises.

Al-Sudani also directed the Integrity Commission and the Financial Supervision Bureau to send a specialized committee to audit the measures taken regarding violations and suspicions of financial and administrative corruption, and to receive complaints and information in order to ensure that financial allocations are disbursed according to what was planned, and in a way that serves the interest of the people of the governorate./End

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الإثنين 24 , حزيران 2024

وزير العدل يلتقي صحفيي كركوك ويقدم لهم التهنئة بالعيد الوطني للصحافة العراقية

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مستشار رئيس الوزراء: نفتخر بالصحفيين وندعم نقابتهم في كركوك

كركوك /نينا/التقى الدكتور عامر الجبوري ،مستشار رئيس مجلس الوزراء لشؤون متابعة المشاريع في كركوك ،الزميل مروان إبراهيم العاني رئيس اللجنة التحضيرية لنقابة الصحفيين العراقيين فرع كركوك . وهنأ الجبوري ،الاسرة الصحفية بحلول عيد الاضحى المبارك والعيد الوطني للصحافة العراقية ..موكدا دعم مكتب رئيس الوزراء