The cell said in a statement that, under the supervision of Baghdad Operations Command and based on accurate and important intelligence, the Federal Police Intelligence had a major role in which the Sixth Division of the 59th Brigade managed to storm the terrorists in Tarmiyah groves.
The cell added that "an armed clash took place for a period of four hours that ended with the killing of terrorists, including the dangerous terrorist / Saif Faisal /Aba Eshaq / who held several positions in the terrorist organization ISIS, including the position of" General Security for Northern Baghdad 2016-2017 "and returned in 2018 to the north of Baghdad as the chief of a Military detachment, and in 2019, this terrorist continued in northern Baghdad as the officer of military detachment and the intelligence services continued to follow him technically, because he is one of the most important terrorist leader present in northern Baghdad. / End
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