The PM directs to disburse 4 million dinars (3500 $) as a reward for each research published in int'l journals

The PM directs to disburse 4 million dinars (3500 $) as a reward for each research published in int'l journals

Baghdad / NINA / -The Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, directed the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, in coordination between it and the Ministry of Finance, to be committed to disburse a financial reward of 4,000,000 dinars (3500 $) to a university service employee for each research published in international journals with a sobriety factor (Impact Factor) based on the provisions of Article (1/Sixth) of the amended University Service Law (23 of 2008).

The directive included, according to a statement by the Department of Cabinet Affairs and Committees in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, in coordination with the Ministry of Planning and the Academics Syndicate, to determine a vision to direct research towards the problems that need to be addressed and to develop a mechanism for disbursing the aforementioned rewards.

The department explained: “The directive came based on what was presented by the Iraqi Academics Syndicate, during the meeting of the Supreme Committee for Coordination between the Council of Ministers and the federations and unions, established under special laws, in its second session on 5/25/2024.”/End

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Friday 28 , June 2024

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