Al-Sadr said in a tweet to him, "As a goodwill gesture from me: (Muqtada Al-Sadr) ... announced the dissolution of the formation of the (Promised Day Brigade)
Al-Sadr decided to close the formation’s headquarters, and said, “Were it not for the fact that they had previously handed over their weapons to Saraya al-Salam, or what is currently called: Brigade 313, 314 and 315 in Samarra, I would have ordered them to surrender their weapons and they would have obeyed, because they are still loyal to us and their homeland.”
And if it is found, they must hand it over within 48 hours, hoping that this step will be the beginning of dissolving the armed factions, handing over their weapons and closing their headquarters... Rather, it will be a message of safety and peace for all the people. / End
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