National Iraqi News Agency

Tuesday 25 , June 2024

Security operation to search areas adjacent to the Diyala River

Baqubah / NINA / - A force from the Diyala Police carried out a security operation to search areas adjacent to the Diyala River and the administrative borders between Diyala and Salah al-Din. A security source told the correspondent of the National Iraqi News Agency / NINA /: "The security operat

Two IEDs found in Hawija district in Kirkuk

Baghdad / NINA / -A joint force of the police and the Popular Mobilization Forces found two explosive devices in Hawija district of Kirkuk Governorate. The PMF media stated in a statement: “A joint force from the intelligence of the 61st Brigade in the Kirkuk and East Tigris Operations Command o

JOC: The most important terrorist detachments overthrowen, including a dangerous leader east of Salah al-Din

Baghdad / NINA /- The Joint Operations Command announced the arrest of the most important terrorist detachments, including a dangerous leader within the Eastern Salah al-Din Operations Command sector. The command stated in a statement, “Based on the directives of the Commander-in-Chief of the Ar