National Iraqi News Agency

Wednesday 26 , June 2024

Security operation to search areas adjacent to the Diyala River

Baqubah / NINA / - A force from the Diyala Police carried out a security operation to search areas adjacent to the Diyala River and the administrative borders between Diyala and Salah al-Din. A security source told the correspondent of the National Iraqi News Agency / NINA /: "The security operat

Two IEDs found in Hawija district in Kirkuk

Baghdad / NINA / -A joint force of the police and the Popular Mobilization Forces found two explosive devices in Hawija district of Kirkuk Governorate. The PMF media stated in a statement: “A joint force from the intelligence of the 61st Brigade in the Kirkuk and East Tigris Operations Command o

Deputy Chief of Staff for Training Meets Senior Advisor to NATO Mission in Iraq's Main Planning Team

Baghdad/NINA/- Deputy Chief of Staff for Training, Lieutenant General Special Forces Staff Hamid Mohammed Kamer, met at the headquarters of the Special Forces Division Command, the Advisor to the NATO Mission and supervisor of the Operational Capabilities and Exercises Program. The Ministry of D